Nkem Nwaobi
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I'm Nkem Nwaobi, I am currently completing my MSc in advanced biomedical science. I have always loved biology and mostly enjoyed tech but felt like I was falling behind my peers as I didn't know what I want to do specifically. After making a science instagram: @bionkem, I came across an upcoming field: biotechnology. It encompasses the best of the two fields I enjoy and because it is so new, there is so much to explore. I am basing my project on biotech in order to gain some experience; if I truly do enjoy doing it, I will hopefully be getting a PhD in it. Whilst studying I work as a COVID lab technician, student lecturer and course representative.
Click here to listen to my episode (https://pickupthemic.buzzsprout.com/1671151/9138558-episode-2-women-representation-in-stem-with-nkem-nwaobi)